Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Want a closer look? Want to buy them? Go check out Supercool Crafts!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
P.S. Just a note on the but-fudg (soooo visual). I found the culprit and asked if she was trying to be naughty or just use up all the letters. She said she was just using all the letters and couldn't remember what she'd written. We laughed until we were crying when I told her it was but-fudg and this morning when the babies were having a bath, we had a huge problem with a little of it!
P.P.S. I think it's going to become my new exclamation-for-all-occasions.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
7 Random Things Tag

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thanksgiving In Arizona
Just to rub it in!
Heh! Heh! Heh! It really is worth suffering through June, July, and August!
Come visit any time!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

My little girlie - 52 blessings
She was making a little music yesterday.
I am so grateful for this little bonus that Heavenly Father graced us with!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Woohoo! Another Fun Boutique!

I'll be there with my wares! Can't wait until Nov. 22!
I also started a craft blog to marked my Supercool Capes and stuff! Come Check it Out!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
6 things that make me Happy!
1. My Family! I love my family! I have been blessed with the most delightful, sweet, brilliant children in the world, and a husband who does everything in his power to take care of us and show us how much he loves us.
2. Creating Beauty! I revel in the act of creation! (Get your mind out of the gutter! heeheehee) Making beautiful things in any medium gives me so much joy! Plus, then I get to spread the joy to others by sharing my art!
3. Learning new things! keeps me young, makes me giddy, brings me JOY!
4. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy. Keeps me happy. Lifts me when I'm down. Fills me with faith when I feel fear. Blesses me daily.
5. Giving service. There is nothing better than being able to help someone through a kind word, an act of service, or a little labor that blesses my family.
6. My friends! In real-life, in blogland, in my family. LOVE you all!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This little light of mine - Self-Esteem Sunday

But for today, the assignment is a bit shorter.
Assignment to you fabulous ladies: So today, turn the TV off from all those
'Hollywood magazine' type shows, put down that magazine that's harping on your
out-of-date clothing and tell me something that has given you a higher
self-esteem. That's right. Brag about yourself or share something that someone
said nice about you or whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Take a
break from pulling yourself down when you look at the mirror first thing in the
morning. (Nobody should look in the mirror first thing in the morning
I think the nicest thing that I've ever heard anyone say about me was about 17 years ago. I was working at a gas station while I finished my associates degree. My manager and another employee were talking about my work and how I dealt with customers when the manager said:
"Supercool Hotmama just SHINES!" *
I've thought back on that comment often.
I think it means so much to me
it wasn't about my looks,
or my work,
or my brains,
or my sense of humor...
it was just about me.
My soul.
My spirit, shining through.
How often does one get a compliment like that!?!
*and of course, she called me Supercool Hotmama, because even back then my blogging destiny was taking shape!

Tiny Supercool Cape
and just for Jen! A glimpse of the toddler size Superhero Cape, she wears about a 2T
Double-Sided for Maximum Heroism Potential!
and for the Ladies! Super Girl Rocks it in black with pink polka dots
With Pink Princess Power on the Reverse!
I'll go find a model and post a picture of it in action!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Running Man

This little guy is a free spirit. He was chasing bubbles with a wild abandon that I reserve only for Day After Thanksgiving shopping.

Black Friday ads are HERE!
Join in the Wild Abandon on

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Holiday Boutique!!

Double sided, appliqued Super Hero Cape $28 with Spiderman/Mr. Incredible or Superman/Batman
Girl styles will be available too - Ballerina/Princess or Purple Rock Star Guitar/Supergirl
and I have one pear pinafore left $28 size 3T, but if I have time, I'm going to make some other styles.
Bags - Different styles and fabrics available from $12 - 20, and who knows what other treasures will be available! Lots of fun cute stuff! Come on By!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Reunion 2008
My plan has been to focus on my Grandparents, so that our kids can learn some of our family history. My Mom's parents were wonderful people and I've always wanted our children to appreciate them. Plus, they led exciting, history book lives that sound glamorous and eventful to our kids, and yet so far removed from our current reality. Grandpa was a cowboy, rancher, cattle inspector and Sheriff. How cool is that!?! We have great stories about him, like the time he lost a finger roping and finally found it in the manure. He would earn extra money by catching and breaking wild mustangs in the mountains and once as Sheriff he roped a bear that was in a tree.
Yeah. Can you believe we begged to hear that and more, every time we spent the night at Grandma's?
I told some other favorites like: "Katie Hatch" (a little girl who got lost and died - all they found was some hair caught on a barbed wire fence, and her little shoes with the socks pushed way down in the toe like she always did. They assume she was eaten by wild animals. - True story! The largest search ever in Arizona.)
"And they sang and danced around her..." (This mother hid her children in the cellar when the indians came. They ate her out of house and home, then tied her to a post outside, and they sang and danced around her while she had to watch her house burn with her children still hidden inside.)
and a happy one, "The Piano Box Children" (About Jim and his little sister Mary, who lived during the Great Depression. They had no parents and were homeless. They lived in a piano box. Jim would provide for them by doing odd jobs and carrying groceries for people. One day he found a wallet that a wealthy lady dropped. It was full of money. He returned the wallet to her, with the money still in it. When she found that he and his sister were homeless, she took the two sweet, honest children home to live with her. And they lived happily ever after - because they were honest, hardworking, and kind.)
More on THT.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We're on a roll!
The objective was to determine which would rise above the water, vinegar or oil. His guess was surprising to me - vinegar. He thought the oil would sink. Hmmm. We should have probably done this a few years ago. Then we checked to see if his hypothesis was correct. He added food coloring to the water. Then added oil to one bottle, and vinegar to the other.
He was surprised to find that the vinegar mixed in and did not separate itself from the water. He was also surprised to find that the oil rose to the top of the water.
Yep. I guess we don't make Italian Dressing often enough.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Shadow Game
at 8 am he was Wolfman, at 9 am he was Spiderman, at 10 am he was Superman, at 11 he was himself again, and by noon he was Batman - all with massive muscles.