A friend recently wanted some ideas for homemade gifts for boys, and I realized that my fabric playhouse would be perfect, but it was erased when my old blog was blogjacked, so here it is again.
I just hemmed a length of fabric long enough to go around the inside ledge of my table (figure two times the length around the table for fuller gathers), and velcroed it to the inside edge. I did sew the fabric into a satin blanket binding, then attached the velcro to the binding. The prickly part of the velcro is stuck (I reinforced it with a staple gun) to the inside edge of the table all the time, and when we want to play clubhouse, we just velcro the skirt on.
I also realized after we'd used it and went to put it away, that a drawstring bag to keep it in is also a good idea. Holler if you need any details!
OH, how I want one!!!!! The last time you posted these pictures I was jealous and now is no different!!!!!!
I love it!! You are so crafty.
♥ Very cute idea!!! My kids would love that! :)
that is acute idea. my kids just throw a big blanket over our table.
What a fantabulous idea!
It looks so professional and darling and makes me want to get inside and start playing house.
Can I can over for a tea party?
When I saw this before, I thought it was the cutest thing ever! I still do. Unfortunately I know nothing about being crafty or sewing, so my kids get to deal with blankets thrown over the kitchen table :)
In response to your response! I just have to say I agree. Edward's perspective gives so much more inspire since he can hear everyone else's head besides Bella's (which we already know from the first book). This has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.. and I want more books NOW!! but I will cross my fingers and hope that Edwards conscious will keep slapping her forehead until she gives in and writes it for us! Sometimes I wish I were in her ward so I could give Rosalie style glares from across the room! JK... Love your table by the way. Great idea for short people! (my son isn't to the age were he realizes he's just going to hit his head... cause he seems to do it a lot!)
Totally fun Idea!!
May be I will try it!!
WOW! I love that idea! You could also hide in it and pretend you weren't home. Maybe the kids would leave me alone for 5 seconds if I was really quiet.
This is absolutely the cutest darn thing I have seen in, well, forever! I want one and my kids are grown and gone. I think I would velcro it in place, drag a mattress in there with a reading lamp, some books, and some snacks and be happy all day.
wow that is SUPER CUTE!!
That is an awsome idea! I will keep it in mind for summer break. when it is to hot to be out side.
Cute, cute, cute!!!!
You're so good~
i am going to send Meg over to take a peek at this. are you on her list of readers for her private blog? oh man the stuff she has been creating in the last weeks of her pregnancy will blow your mind!
What a wonderful idea! I'm so going to use that sometime.
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