Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
You spend an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom. And YOU don't have to GO...
You start thinking of underwear as DISPOSABLE...
You find "friends" floating in the toilet... (reenactment)
And your toilet paper looks like this.
The story? Yeah, it's the story of my life lately. I thought we had smooth sailing when we went cold turkey after running out of diapers. The first weekend went great. The next week was fairly uneventful. Then I began to have confidence in his abilities. Started letting him stretch his wings. Go it alone, so to speak.
Then things started to happen. Things like puddles all around the toilet. Stuff running down the walls. "Spit" wads thrown all over the place. Streamers of t.p. hanging from the towels. Toys floating in the toilet. I started to notice "washed" hands and splashing, when I hadn't heard the faucet.
I began documenting the experience in earnest when I rushed in to use the toilet myself one day and found my four buddies floating. There was no time for a picture at the time, thus the reenactment.
I realize I kind of have a theme going with my PSF's. Some people have their minds in the gutter. Mine must be in the toilet. Sorry.
Oh, God! I can totally relate since we're going through this right now.
And I SO think of underwear as disposable!
I'm reading this on my phone in a crowded restraunt ALONE (I'm waiting for someone) laughing myself silly. By far my favorite SCM post EVER.
At least you are able to laugh (and blog) about it. I am so not looking forward to potty training again...
Oh this was hilarious. I'm already terrified of potty training - this only confirmed it! But oh, what sweet joy, when it's done, eh?
And yet another story that gets me all geeked for potty training.
Those are wonderful photos, btw!!!
tee hee...what a fun and creative post. :)
happy PSF!
your phot stories always make me laugh!!
OH...AND i love love love big red puffy heart L O V E your new look FABULOUS!!
♡ Oh yeah we have so many in the toilet stuff and unraveled toilet paper it drives me crazy! :)
Potty training sucks! :)
So true and so funny!
We left daughter alone in bathroom on Sunday and she went to sleep on the floor! That was a new one!
The reenactment just made me giggle! Great photos and story!
Oh no! Great photos to go along with that story.
Great story and pix!! The memories of that stage are still very sharp and clear in my mind! We're beyond that stage, but we're still in the 'wiping butt training' stage. And the 'handwashing is very important training' stage. So many of these pictures are straight from my bathroom as well!!!
hehehehehehe those are great photos. And I totally agree with you, don't leave your toddler alone in the bathroom. I have found countless rolls of toilet paper sunk in the toilet, the sink, unrolled from the bathroom to the living room. He's managed to keep his bath toys out of the toilet but something always happens when he's in there without supervision besides what's supposed. :)
Great story!
Oh I have SO been there! :) Love that shot of him! Great story!
I have to agree with Cecily, this is my favorite SuperCoolMom Post EVER! I LOVE it!
It's so completely true & I'm a firm believer that underware IS disposable!!
Love it and Good Luck!
I'm preparing for toilet training some time over the next few months. I think this post has given me the best insight yet into what I have ahead of me.
I'm not sure if I should thank you or not;)
Thank you for the visit and the kind comment.
I'm a parent of three and I know exactly what you're talking about here!
Really enjoyed your post, your photography, your presentation style, your writing - in short, I spent a long time going through your work.
Do keep in touch ....
This is what I have to look forward to. Though she already wants to throw things in the toilet.
Great story.
Love the pictures and story!! Especially the duck and letter P and Number 2. Good luck! It will all be worth it in the end :)
I am so relating to this right now! Please let it be over soon:)
Thanks for popping over to mine. Here's a recipe for Eton Mess:
Basically it's just a mess of cream, meringue and fruit. You can vary it if you wish - I like to add mini marshmallows! Enjoy!
Oh my gosh. I love this. I've always found it interesting that I am so excited to get the kiddos out of diapers, yet I still have to wipe butts, I'm in the bathroom a whole lot more, and there are "incidences". Like clogged toilets and getting side tracked and finding lotions and potions! :)
When I was potty training the boys, there were always fun adventures like this. Kendall was very uneventful, and can you believe I actually wished for the excitement?? I love it!!
Oh this was hysterical (sorry, at your expense in a way)!
Sometimes underwear IS disposable. Swimsuits too if necessary and a garden hose is not in the vicinity.
Hang it there! All of your photos were GREAT.
Ok, that was seriously the most funniest post ever! My youngest (and only boy) just turned two, so I know that this is just around the corner for me! I have heard horror stories about boys and bathrooms, please tell me that it really isn't as bad as everyone says! Your blog is darling! Where do you find the backgrounds? Thanks for giving me your address, I look forward to stopping by. BTW- thanks for your comment. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who put off taking/picking kids up from things because I was in the middle of a really good part while reading "The Host"...just wait, it only get MORE intense! LOL
Ok, that was seriously the most funniest post ever! My youngest (and only boy) just turned two, so I know that this is just around the corner for me! I have heard horror stories about boys and bathrooms, please tell me that it really isn't as bad as everyone says! Your blog is darling! Where do you find the backgrounds? Thanks for giving me your address, I look forward to stopping by. BTW- thanks for your comment. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who put off taking/picking kids up from things because I was in the middle of a really good part while reading "The Host"...just wait, it only get MORE intense! LOL
Hi I arrive via post of the day. How funny, I wish I could say his aim will improve as he grows up, but I don't think it ever does.
I was on business in Germany once and my boss called me into the gents toilet were there was a goal and a little ball in the toilet bowl to encourage good aim! Great post. Debs x
Too funny. Luckily we made it through the potty training relatively unscathed. At least no 'friends' made their way into the toilet...
I now have grandchildren and great-grandchildren whose potty-training I (thankfully) do not have to supervise. Your post revived memories of similar events involving my own kids. Funny now; not too funny then.
Arrived here through David McMahon's Post of the Day. I'm glad I came.
David at Authorblog sent me here and boy, I can so totally relate to what you are doing now! My daughter and her family live with me and her two little ones (4 1/2 and 2 yrs) are both autistic. The elder is semi-potty trained but absolutely refuses to consider doing #2 there! Little one, we haven't even tried to start with him as his communication skills aren't too shiny but last week, I found him in the bathroom, standing in front of the commode, very happy too as he waved one of those curling brushes in his hand and then was dipping it and shaking the water all around the commode -and the room! And I thought my son was difficult to train! Piece of cake it turns out to have been.
That is a fabulous photostory. Every mother has experienced this! I have two sons and the husband, so some of these things still happen...
Men huh?
Over from David's. Great POTD - well done.
OH MY GOD, this is MY life right now! Honestly I had no idea this was going to be so hard and so frustrating..Thanks for the post!
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