Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Attitude of Gratitude
"I'm grateful for electricity.
I'm grateful for diaper wipes.
I'm grateful for living in AZ (it was a balmy 65 degrees yesterday).
I'm grateful for sexy black pumps, lipstick, and blowdryers.
I'm grateful for dryer sheets, and washers and dryers.
I'm grateful for running cars and working appliances.
I'm grateful for shoes, and clothes, and food.
I'm grateful for wonderful kids who make good choices.
I'm grateful for my babies.
I'm grateful for the gospel and our knowldege of it.
I'm grateful for a worthy husband who works hard for us.
I'm grateful for the atonement and our Savior Jesus Christ.
I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us and loves us.
I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost.
I'm grateful for prayer and baptism.
I'm grateful for chocolate.
I'm grateful for my family..."
I continued to try to count all my blessings, big and small, and name them aloud. (It was probably a good thing only the babies were around to hear me, because it might have sounded a little nutty.) Soon that attitude of gratitude was overcoming the feelings of depression and despair. I was looking at all the positive things in my life and not dwelling on the difficulties. We are truly blessed.
I'm also grateful for you and your friendship. I love you. Thanks for the kind birthday wishes. I really had a wonderful day.
"Be Grateful.
Be Smart.
Be Clean.
Be True.
Be Humble.
Be Prayerful."
- President Gordon B. Hinkley

Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Host by Stephenie Meyer and My Kids
I watched Jared's face from the corner of my eye. What this man was doing clearly upset
Mommy will you make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
him, and I thought I knew why - Will you make it now!?! I am hungry. Yes, honey, I'll get you one in just a minute.
how he must have hated that slender pink line on my neck.
Momentary pause while I make a pb&j...
Jared frowned, but I was surprised that some of the anger had drained from his expression. His eyebrows pulled
Mommy, will you make me one too? Pause while I make another. And get drinks to be sure that I'm not disturbed again.
His eyebrows pulled together. It made him look confused.
The tall man dropped his hands and stepped away from me. Get your clothes back on! Grandma is coming for dinner! His lips were pursed, his eyes alighted with some challenge.
"She looks healthy enough."
The tall man dropped his hands and stepped away from Mommy, Mommy, Mommy me. His lips were pursed, his eyes alight with some challenge. Moooooommmmmm!
"She looks healthy enough....
I won't bore you with the rest of the page. But it's no wonder that I read in the bath and stay up 'til 2 in the morning just to have some peace and Mommy may I put the spaghetti in the water now, Mommy! May I put the spaghetti in the water!?!

Random Nonsense
I'm peeing blood. Which means my kidney stones are acting up. Always fun.
The Princess stayed home sick today. I haven't seen any evidence of illness yet, but at 6:30 in the morning I was more than ready to buy her story.
We didn't get any mail today. Not even one piece of junk mail. Mike, the mailman, appologized to me for not having anything good for me.
My birthday is on Monday. I like to celebrate for a week at least. I think I'll make myself a cake for dinner tonight and start off a long weekend of celebrating. I may even wrap my birthday presents today!
Last night we crocheted flowers atYoung Women's with the Beehives. It went really well! They all finished their projects and left with a pretty flower (to sew on a purse or glue on a barrette) and the ability to chain and single crochet. Fun! (I took my camera and meant to take pictures, but the whole evening was consumed with helping girls.
It feels like Monday to me.
There is a strange dinosaur show on Discovery Kids called Dinosapien. It reminds me of Land of The Lost. Remember that from Saturday Mornings? (If you are too young, here's Wikipedia's description:
Land of the Lost (1974–1976) is a children's television series
created and produced by Sid and Marty
Krofft. Land of the Lost details the adventures of a family of three (father
Rick Marshall, son Will — around 18 yrs old — and younger daughter Holly-around
12 years old) who are trapped in an alien world inhabited by dinosaurs, chimpanzee-like cavemen
called Pakuni, and aggressive, humanoid/lizard creatures called Sleestak that
have a mix of insectoid and reptilian characteristics. The episode plots focus
on the family's efforts to survive and find a way back to their own world, but
the exploration of the exotic features of the Land of the Lost are also an
ongoing part of the story.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Weenie is still in the works...

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Breaking my comment addiction...
I think we'll all like it. You won't feel obligated to pay me homage. I'm hoping to go back to more of a personal journal, and hopefully I'll have tome to visit friends more.
I was thinking this Christmas, when I received more Christmas cards from blog friends, than real life friends, that I need to put more time into my real life friendships and other relationships, and spend less time on the computer. (I'm also hoping that my hubby won't read this, because then he'll act like I have to follow through on that, and be irritated when it doesn't happen. LOL!)
Anyway, Let's give it a shot and see what happens. HUGS!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cupcake Crazy

And just had to give it a try. Here's my version. I'm still debating on the sprinkles. I may sew some on...

But actually I'm ready to move on, because last night I dreamed that I was making these! No lie. I am in LOVE with these. I want to start tomorrow!

The beauty of it is that I found crochet patterns free on some web sites, that will be very easy to adapt! Woohoo!

*Edit ** Oops. At 2 am, I forgot to give credit to my pattern source for the cupcake purse (I used this as the basis and adjusted it a bit, added some, and left out some.) The cherry pattern is here.
Now, GO create something!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Trading Places
What about you? Did you ever switch families with a friend? Am I the only one who hated to eat at anyone else's house?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Cupcakes, Watercolor, and Chicken Pot Pie

No one knows how to create like the people at

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Join in!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
There's nothing like having a secret admirer!

Since I'm thinking about Valentine's Day, and since My little Princess came home today absolutely glowing because she has a secret admirer, I thought I'd repost a Memory Lane Monday - My Best Valentine's Day EVER!
The princess is in 4th grade. At her Back-to-Basics school, all parties are on Fridays. So, last Friday (remember, this is a repost - so this was last year) was their Valentine's Day party. As she was getting ready for school, I remembered my favorite Valentine's day and had to tell her the story. Today, I share it with you.
3rd Grade. 1974. I was in Mrs. Neilsen's class (she was in my ward at church) and I was teacher's pet, because I was quiet (always daydreaming), sweet, and smart. My best friend was Serena. I had a crush on Danny Arrendondo (he had dimples, curly hair, and had kissed me on the cheek during a movie in 1st grade, and I was still hoping for a repeat).

On Valentine's Day I took my brown paper grocery bag of Valentines and my plate of homemade sugar cookies (hearts with pink frosting, no sprinkles) to pass out at the party, and innocently made my way across the street to my Elementary School, little knowing that it would be a day of romance unequaled in the 33 years since.
Craving Sugar Cookies Now? Go check out my recipe blog supercoolmomsrecipes.blogspot.com
In the 3rd grade there were 4 classes. Since it was the 7o's our classes were arranged in "Pods" where all four 3rd grade classes were open to each other and separated by book shelves, but we would meet in the middle after lunch to have a joint read-aloud book, etc. One of my best friends was Denise Vargas (cousin of Ralph Chandos, bane of my existence - who called me names in Kindergarten, cut himself on my gold bracelet while trying to pry it off my arm later that year, and broke his lunch sack over my head in first grade). Of course, we only gave Valentine's to the kids in our own class. So as we opened our cards, I was surprised that Denise had given me two! Then I noticed that one was signed, not Denise, but Dennis. I asked her if it was from her (spelling error?) But no, she had no knowledge of the extra valentine that was placed in my decorated kleenex box. There was no Dennis in Mrs. Neilsen's class. Soon the girls were a-buzz with the mystery of my secret admirer. We decided it must be from Dennis, in another class! An Unheard of event at my Elementary School! What a brazen boy to venture past the invisible classroom dividing line to secretly place a valentine in my box!?!
I sent Denise and Serena to confront him on it. Did he put a Valentine card in Supercool Hotmama's box? Yep. He did. And what's more....he wanted me to meet him outside the classroom after school. In those precious stolen moments outside the classroom, he asked me if he could come to my house, and if I would listen for "our song" on my transistor radio - "Don't go changin' to try and please me, I like you just the way you are". Walking on air, I raced home to tell my Mom that I was expecting a gentleman caller. I'm sure I said something like, "A boy named Dennis who is not in my class put a Valentine in my box and I thought it was from Denise but she spells her name D-e-n-i-s-e and it was spelled D-e-n-n-i-s and he is going to come over to our house to see me."
He actually came over. His purpose - He was going to become a Magician, and he wanted me to be his Magician's Assistant! The highest compliment that I could think of! How beautiful I must have been (I thought), for him, Dennis, to actually want ME, to be his Magician's Assistant!?! I could just picture myself in pumps and black fishnet stockings, a satin-y red out fit and maybe with elbow length gloves, holding his top hat while he pulled a rabbit out of it. When he left, after about a half hour of planning, I rushed in to tell my Mom about my new career, and the details about my ambitious admirer.
That was the end of the romance. He planned to come back when he knew more magic so we could practice, but he may have changed career paths or something. We went our own separate ways after our brief encounter. I often think of him when I hear "Our Song".
But still, an unparalelled Valentine's Day!
I can tell you, there is NOTHING like having a secret admirer!
Want to read more Wordful Wednesday Posts? Go see Angie's 7 Clown Circus
Friday, January 2, 2009
I've got that crafting itch...
I first saw these little spool dollies at Onehm's. I've been wanting to make them for months! At first I thought I might get them done for Christmas stockings, but that just didn't happen this year. Then I went to look for ideas over at Etsy. I love the faces that Erica Daley does. (I love all the cute little embelishments that Onehm and Holly did, but since BittE is still putting things into her mouth, I didn't want tiny parts to be choking hazards. So, this is my version. BittE's birthday is in Feb, so she's getting a little set of dollies. I may have to make her a little house to go with them like this one I saw on Etsy last night.
I made her a little spice box out of an empty pepper can while I had the Modge Podge out. She knew exactly what it was for, and wouldn't put her tiny salt and pepper shakers down all day. I found them at Goodwill yesterday. They're just an inch and 1/2 high and they are so cute!
My little craft today was to finish these little bead elves. I started the heads last night while I was painting the doll heads. I saw them over at Kacey's blog where she'd posted them on her wish list of things to do. She found the idea here at Parent's Magazine. Luckily I already had all the stuff in my box of Goodwill crafty goodness. They probably cost me less than a dollar to make since my materials were all awesome bargains! I also got the heads for the spool dollies at Goodwill (69 cents baby!) The spools were from JoAnn's though and cost about $4.00.
Now I only have about 20 more little projects left on my list of Crafts I Want to Do! Maybe my word for 2009 will be CREATE.
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