- The smell of magazine perfume samples
- "Mommy, I just want to stay home forever...I love it here with our family." (Wolfman, age 4)

- Chocolate Pudding
- Trying a new recipe!
- "When you read that book to me, it makes my heart happy." - I Love You Forever by Robert Munsch (Wolfman)
- Bunco with friends!
- A job well done
- Hearing my 15 year old say, "You just wish you had a Mom this cool."
- When kids clap because I'm coming in to teach Art Masterpiece
- Seeing all the beautiful new growth on my rose bushes
- Kids washing my car
- Chilled Fanta Fruit Punch tickling all the way down
- Kisses
- Holding my baby while she falls asleep on my lap
(Eating it. Not cleaning it up.)
Find Joy in the Little Things at

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
"I Love You Forever" is one of my all time favorite books!!
Not may moms can say that their 15 year old thinks they are cool.
I think you are cool too!!
What a beautiful list. I feel so bad because I haven't been over to your blog to say hi or anything in a whole week! Your last post gave me the giggles my baby girl does that too! I will wake up and she will be playing and I look at her like whatcha doing kids it's 2am! Anywho, What a great post! Chat with you later,
Ah wolfman is so cute! I love your blog Janie!
What a great list! Sometimes it's all about the little things.
♥ Those are all GREAT!!! I love the, you wish you had a mom this cool! Great kids! :)
My fav all time book too.
I love holding my babies to sleep..
Dang, I hope my kids think I am cool at that age.. what is your secret?
You MUST be a great mom. More power to you!
Those things would make me feel good too ...
The Book I love you forever, makes me cry. Specially when it is the boy that carries the mom.
Great post!
That is so sad that the average age of the homeless is 9... how sad!
I was reading your profile and see where your son is serving. Are you on Melindas blog?? They are a missionary couple serving in the same mission as YOUR son! She posts a ton of pictures! If you arent, I will tell you her blog addy!
LOL. ok well, I just went to her blog and see you made a comment there, so I guess you have her blog! GREAT LADY!! I will stop commenting now.. have a great weekend!
I ♥ your list.
Except the parfume samples. They give me a tummy ache.
But other than that, I ♥ your list!
What a wonderul list. Life is beautiful!
Love your list. I should make one too.
I need to be more positive
well the chocolate pudding looked good lol. great photo friday
That is a cool list! :)
Most of them make me happy too.
Love this post. I need to make a happy/joy list way more often than I do. I love reading yours too.
Your kids' quotes are soooo affirming!
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