what a beautiful day here in the ukraine! we are going to be running around here at the mission office in donetsk until we recieve our new companions on transfer day in a coupple days! exciting and then s\freom there we head to wherever President Fry assigns us. he is such a kind and quiet man. very nice and loving, just what this country really needs. i am so exctited to be here.
the flight over the atlantic was pretty tough, one of the armenian sisters on our flight was really sick, so elder hyer and i annointed and blessed her in the back of the plane. it was in russian so it sounded horrible because i cant really speak at all but i got the important parts right.
this email is just to let you know that i live and that i didn't get bum rushed getting off of the plane because i was american, though i got plenty of looks hahahaha! it was interesting the further and further away from home i got the less and less english i heard, it was so cool. when we walked of the plane in vienna and hardly anything is in english and these angry people are barking german at us. i like german, its a nice language. it was wild when i got my bags in donetsk, the security (military) seemed to think that i had an odd item in my baggage, the way he described it was bomb like, so after they got done digging through my bags the assistant to the president came and saved my rear. you could tell the guy was getting tired of my poor russian, but it all turned out ok. good times.
but i am going to go now, i have a lot to do and i still feel a bit air sick so staring at this screen doesnt help me much.i love you and i will email soon from my new area.
Yay!! He looks handsome as a missionary..
I am glad he made it there sagely! He looks like he is ready to serve! :)
That's awesome! Congrats!
And he's so handsome!
Yay you!
I just saw your note on the Fry's blog and thought I'd say hi! My son has been in Donetsk since late January and we've gotten some fun email home . . . like the story of baking pizza in an "easy-bake" oven that he found in a closet which turned out to be a sterilizer left behind by a previous apartment dweller. (He said it worked GREAT!)
All the best to you! C
Hello Brother and Sister Shipp. Brother Brett M. Smith here (Here being Mesa, AZ and here being your blog). My son, Elder Parker Martin Smith is also serving in Ukraine - MTC Entry on November 5, 2008. I saw your post on Elder Woodhead's blog so I wanted to say hi. I'm gathering links as I go along to add to the web pages I'm making about Parker's mission. Feel free to come along as we follow With Faith In Every Footstep Along The Mission Road
Brett c]:{
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