Bronson just called from the airport! I looked at the odd number on my cell phone and didn't answer at first, because less than an hour ago I got an obscene text message! The minute I hit "ignore" though, I realized that I'd been waiting all day for an out-of-area call and could have just kicked myself. I listened to the message, and sure enough, it was him!
He said, "Hey Mom it's Bronson, um, I'm in Washington, Dulles. I'm not going to have an opportunity to call you, probably until Mother's day, so um, I just want to let you know that I love you and that everything is going well. Um,yeah, I hope you get this message, make sure you check it, ok? I love you, tell all the kids that I love them, thank the Ward for me, I'll talk to you later, Love you. Bye."
I tried calling right back and he must have been trying me again at the same time. But the second time I called a girl answered. She was the sister of one of the Elders and handed the phone over to Bronson. We talked about how excited he is to get out there. He said he's "learned to swim, and ready to get tossed in the water!" I teased him about his tendency to get airsick and asked if he'd taken any Dramamine. He said, "No, I'll just throw up a couple of times and then I'll be fine." Keep those bags close, honey!
He said to thank Aunt Julie and Aunt Maria for their letters that he hasn't had time to return yet. (I'm pretty sure those aren't the only ones he hasn't had time to return :) I asked if he knows what the procedure is when he gets there. Apparently, he and two other Elder's will get to Donetsk. The mission president will meet them there and they will be given their assignments right away. He'll continue on to his assignment straight away. If he's in a larger town he'll have internet access through an internet cafe, but if he's in an outlying settlement, he won't have access and pouch mail could take up to 3 weeks to arrive and they'll get mail at transfers, every 3-6 weeks. We exchanged I love you's and he had to run, presumably to go sit around for the next two hours while he waits for his flight.
I'm kind of glad that he had to leave a message before I got to talk to him. It will be fun for everyone to be able to hear his voice and listen to his message for themselves! I think I'll go listen to it again right now.
Ok this left a huge lump in my throat.
I was so glad that you were able to call him back and here is sweet voice.
You must be on such a high right now!
I bet you wont erase that message for hmm let me think the next 2 years. What a gift!
OH SO exciting! I hope that he has a great flight...
and I would have to agree that message is a great blessing!
He's going to do a wonderful job over there.
PS. Did Julie give you the photos? Sorry it took me FOREVER to get them to you!
How wonderful and how exciting!! I bet you can hardly wait till Mother's Day!!!
Oh, that's awesome. I remember going through that with Brett - we didn't know he was going to be allowed to call from the airport, so when he did I almost fell down! :) It's amazing how wonderful it is to hear their voices - a bittersweet situation, for sure, though...
I got mommy tingles and queasies at the same time when I read stinkin' exciting and so stinkin' scary at the same time!
So glad you got to talk to him and that all is well. We're all thinking about you both!
♥ How great that you got to talk to him!!! He sounds like such a great YM!!! :)
Awww...sweet! And I am so glad you got a message to keep from him!
ahhh that's SO awesome! I'm crying reading this post! What a good guy. You're a great mom to have raised such a great kid!
...that wasn't to say that you'd be a bad mom if he wasn't a good guy... nevermind... i'm retarded... you know what i mean... :)
well good luck tomorrow! ;)
Oh, how sweet is that!?!?! I'm SO happy you have that message and even more thrilled you were able to talk with him. What a wonderful moment for you! You must be so proud of him!
I'll bet that message NEVER gets erased. Congratulations on rearing such a fine young man. May you all be blessed.
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