So here's my menu plan for the next week:
Mon - Chicken Enchiladas
Tues - Fried potatoes with bacon and onions
Wed - Quiche
Thurs - Chicken Packets
Fri - Shredded Chicken and Bean Burritos
Sat - Potato Soup & Rolls
Sun - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Mon - Soft Tacos
Tues - Beef Pot Pie
I was curious about the cost of making meals ahead, so I spent a few minutes to add it up. I made 11 meals for $85. That means each meal cost $7.72, which breaks down to about $1 per person per meal. Can't beat that!
Oh yeah! I also made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, and a batch of oatmeal cookies! I was completely done and the kitchen was clean (I started the day with an empty dish washer, and cleaned as I went along) by 5:30 pm when we sat down to eat our Enchiladas.
Woot! Woot!
I AM ON FIRE and THAT is why they call me HOTMAMA! ;D
Do you want to come to my house and make dinner?
if you made all that how come I'm still hungry?? So I am not inclined to believe that you really made all that.
HOLY COW lady! I"m SERIOUSLY impressed!!!!
I got your message and am going to call you tomorrow! I promise!! ;)
you go girl!
Okay, now you are just showing off. I'm totally jealous.
i love the maximizing your work force cute! and i'm impressed with the amount of stuff you got done; you go girl!
Color me impressed ... did the help get to lick the cookie batter?
Can I drink some of your water? You are inspiring! :) We made your Creamy Ranch Chicken for dinner last night and it is FABULOUS! Thank you. :)
I can smell the goodness!!
I can hear the happy eaters!!
I can feel a mothers love!!
Hugs from me to you♥
Wow, I'm seriously impressed! Great job there HotMama! ;)
You go girlfriend! I am impressed that you got so much done in one day. I tend to fizzle out after a couple of hours. Isn't nice to have some dinners done for a while?
Wow. Just.... WOW.
♥ You're seriously awesome!!! Can you pass some of that motivation and awesomeness my way!!!
♥ Oh yeah and I love your tips espcially that one on the bacon! GOOD IDEA!!!!!!
Wow! I am so impressed! You got more done in a day than, I usally get done in a week! :) I are on fire! Good work.
I always wondered why they called you hot mama :) Great job, you have almost inspired me.
Wow-wie lady, can I come to your house for dinner??!! And the potato slicer, that's is the coolest!
Oh my goodness! I can't repress my feelings of inadequacy. You are amazing!
Ummmmm, can you PLEASE send some of your energy and smarts this way? If I make dinner at all in teh last week my kids are SHOCKED! :)
So you pre-make the meals, freeze them, and then pop them in the oven come dinner time. That is pure genius! I am so doing that from now on. When I get home from work I don't feel like doing squat...let alone slaving in a hot kitchen.
Thanks Hot Mama!
Talk about being a Super Mom... do you get to wear a cape?
And to go along with a previous post... another band name could be
forryno which was my verification word for your blog this morning!
Alright. . . can you be MY mom? You are AWESOME! All those meals sound super fabulous as well!
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