"Mom, don't look at me! That's why I'm on my sneaky mission." - Wolfman, Age 4.5
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Make Way for Ducklings
However, last week our neighbor got irrigation. When we went outside, we saw that "our" ducks were over swimming in his front yard. When Mr. & Mrs. Mallard saw us, they came right over, knowing that we're always good for a free meal. We ran for the bread and had a great time feeding them.
No ducklings in sight though.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Fun Summer Plan

Amish Friendship Bread Fiasco
My friends lucked out. Wolfman and BittE were helping me bake. It was going well. I went to get the gallon Ziplocs and a measuring cup. I only turned my back for a second...
But BittE is fast. She dumped about a cup of cinnamon in the batter. Instead of bagging up cinnamon tainted starter, I had to bake a quadruple batch of bread (after scooping out a reasonable amount of cinnamon.
A couple of days later she helped herself to the cinnamon sugar. She dumped the entire container on the kitchen counter, floors, and herself before I discovered what my sweet girl had done. I think this is why they're called "the terrible two's".

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Embroidery Sampler Bears, part 1
Besides Tatting lessons yesterday, we looked through my cousin's piles of Inspirations Magazines. It is the most gorgeous, inspiring magazine from Australia for embroidery enthusiasts. Simply Gorgeous. Filled with so many beautiful things to create. They publish books and A-Z manuals too. Paula brought me the pattern to make this elephant (it's about 7" long x 4" when finished)!

Wolfman as Captain Kirk
Wolfman has never seen Star Trek. Not even the old ones. But he is obsessed. All because of the beam up badges in our Rice Krispies. Today he discovered the Trek Yourself Tricks at Cheez-it, so we had to give it a shot. And share. So that we can look at him as Captain Kirk whenever his little heart desires.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tatt's All Folks

Image "borrowed" from this amazing woman (who really knows what she's doing.)
Mine looks like three funky, mismatched loops. But I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
Essentially you fill a bobbin on the shuttle (pictured above) with thread, and tie a bunch of knots, then connect them into loops, and connect the loops into elaborate patterns to make lace for edgings, collars, doily's, etc.
My goal is to do enough of one edging to go around a handkerchief. Anything more elaborate will probably never get finished.
Even if I never have a big finished product though, it is so fun to learn a traditional handcraft.
I LOVE learning new things!

Friday, May 22, 2009
First Day of Summer Vacation
People were cleaning left and right.
We are all on board for TV FREE summer! (One movie a day - don't call between 3 and 4:30, no one will leave the screen.)
We had a complete, nutritious (all food groups represented) breakfast, lunch, & dinner!
We even had "silent reading time" after lunch.
I'm hoping I can maintain this level of responsibility for at least a couple more weeks.
What's your plan?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Gilligan's Island, in my dreams

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009
Just in time for prom - Corsage or Boutonneire Tutorial
Around $23.00. That's what a simple wrist corsage with two roses, some greenery, and a bow goes for at a local florist. Save yourself some money and make it yourself. A bunch of roses and baby's breath should cost around $10.
Besides that, you'll need: A bow (another tutorial for another day), scissors, needlenose pliers, wire cutters, chenille stems or floral wire, florist tape, silk leaves, corsage pins, and a wristlet (if desired - and all the high school girls desire them. No one wants to pin one to their dress anymore.) Almost all of the stuff is available at Walmart - although I have to buy the wristlet's at a local ribbon outlet.
Begin by cutting your flower with about a 1 inch stem. Remove any ugly outer petals and sepals if you wish.
Poke a three inch long wire or chenille stem up into the hypanthiam (base of the flower) - you can just poke it in, or thread it through, it will depend on your wire and your flower.
Then begin to wrap a piece (about 10 inches long) of floral tape around the base of the flower, as close to the petals as possible, completely covering the wire.
When you have the top covered, then attach a silk leaf with the tape, and add some greenery before taping down the entire stem.
When you get to the end of the wire, tape back up the stem for a half inch or an inch then pull the tape to break it off and press down the end.
To finish a Boutonniere, take the end of the wire in your pliers and curl it up.
Add a pin and your boutonneire is finished.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ribbon Rose Tutorial, Part 2 - The Leaf
Ribbon Rose Tutorial Part 1 is here. To make a leaf, you'll need:
about 12" of 1 1/2 inch wide ribbon (doesn't have to have wire edges, we'll be removing them)
needle and thread (preferrably to match your ribbon)
crappy scissors that you don't mind cutting wire with, but that will still cut the ribbon neatly
Tip: You need 6-9 ribbon widths of ribbon for each leaf, soooo, if you're using 1 inch ribbon, you will need 6 - 9 inches of ribbon - your leaf will not be wider, but longer if you use more ribbon.
Weedle the ends of the wire out, then grip them and slowly pull them from the ribbon. Discard the wires.
Fold the ribbon in half.
Fold each end up diagonally away from you, and pin to make a "boat".
Beginning at top right, sew down the diagonal side in a basting stitch, about 2/3 of the way down the diagonal edge, back stitch once, then continue on around the edge of the "boat" to the upper left corner (do not knot or tie off) - and yes, ideally you're doing this by hand, but it worked pretty great on my machine, soooo...
You have just sewn all along the bottom of your "boat", leaving the top open.
Gather the ribbon by pulling on one side of your basting thread and scooting the gathers gently up the ribbon. Your back stitch will keep the very end from gathering (that's the long pointy tip of your rose leaf).
(Back view of your finished leaf.)
Rose tutorial is previous post.
(I'm not really back to blogging. I'm just able to post, but not able to visit and comment. Sorry. Make some lovely ribbon roses, then you won't miss me so much ;D HUGS!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Ribbon Rose Tutorial, Part 1 - The rose

Leaving the wire in, turn the ribbon, folding down diagonally towards you. Make a 1/2 inch tail.
Fold it over in half (close the book)
Begin rolling by turning over 1/8" on edge
Then roll loosely to the left to begin making the center of the rose.
After a few rolls, begin to make a couple of small (1/4") tucks so that the "petals" begin to flare out a bit.
Pin the rose center to your 3" square of tulle (pin from underneath)
Gather the rest of the ribbon gripping the tail end of the lower wire and by gently sliding the ribbon along it. Scoot the gathers carefully along the wire so you don't break the wire, until you have gathered the entire length of the ribbon (only on the lower edge - the upper edge is left full.)
Continue to wrap the ribbon around the center, pinning as needed to the tulle/buckram from underneath.
When you get to the end, tuck the unfinished end in under the "rose" so it won't show or unravel.
Sew the rose to the tulle from the back, tacking it down as needed (you don't need to stitch the entire length of the ribbon, just make sure it won't come unrolled anywhere.)

In the first picture, I used the last 4 or 5 inches of ribbon to end in a bud to the side of the rose. Leaf tutorial found here.