Tonight we were taken by surprise when a 10% chance of rain suddenly became a downpour. While DH was BBQing some burgers for dinner. I admit it, this shouldn't be terribly surprising. But we live in a suburb of Phoenix. We don't take the threat of rain very seriously. It was about 8 p.m. and suddenly the street was filled with neighborhood children playing in the rain, in the dark. I'd bet all their parents were dying to go out and play in it too. So far, for this Monsoon season, we are almost up to 3 inches of rainfall. Whoop Woo!
DH was roughin' it while the kids played with the umbrellas.
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Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
That must have been fun, getting all wet and having hot snacks on a rainy night
oooooo to be a kid again. I would have loved to play in the rain like that. wonderful story.
happy PSF!
♥ I've heard about the crazy rains you guys get! :)
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! We've BBQ'd in the rain before, because we wanted it that bad.
My friend from California had problems with the summer's heat, so when it rained yesterday, he sat on his porch and enjoyed the rain. =)
My PSF this week is posted HERE. Please check on it if you can. Happy weekends!
AWESOME!!! that must be soooo cool!
i would have been out there dancing with the kiddos, fo' shizzle!
OHHH...I live in Arizona, and we live for the monsoons. We had a great storm last night as well! Hmmm...maybe you live here too. Anyway, love the pics. I can totally relate.
can't abandon those burgers out there all on their own ;-)
Poor dad, making burgers in the rain. I hope they were good.
WOW! I bet a big rain storm like that is pretty cool out there huh?
Is it like pouring water on the hot coals in the sauna? I have been to Tucson and was completely surprised by the dryness. I'm so used to tropical humidity out here in Chicago.
ANyway, GREAT psf, and hopefully some of the p's did make out in the rain to play-life's too short you know?
Wow, I admire his commitment, I would have abandoned the burgers and gone to play in the rain. Can you direct some of that rain northward, my lawn is baking!
I love LOVE summer rain. Everything about it. The sound, the smell, how it feels. I want to play with your kids and the umbrellas!
How fun for the kids! I remember when we lived down in Phoenix and it rained, it was a big deal. The streets filled with water. It was the same way in Vegas when it rained!
how fun!
How fun! I would have been the parent who wanted to play in the streets too! I love to play in the rain!
I tell ya, if there was a summer rain storm here, I would out in that rain in the blink of an eye!! Too fun!!
I definitely would have been the parent out in the street playing in the rain. I love rain.
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