These little people wanted to make their own pancakes for breakfast yesterday. Being the Supercool Mom that I am, I let them. He stirred, poured, and put them on the plates. She supervised.
Please scroll down and view my Auction Item for Nie Nie & Christian (recent burn victims of a plane crash). Your little cook could have a darling apron/pinafore like this one, to keep her clothing clean (but if you're not in the continental U.S., I'd need you to pay for shipping :)
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Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Adorable kiddos! What a cool mom you are to let them go at it! They will have that memory forever!
Hey there doesn't appear to be a lot mess in that picture so they must have down an awesome awesome job making those pancakes. :) Cute picture.
See, this is where I fail miserably at cool momness. Since I am no pro in the kitchen, I need as little mess as possible or I am SUNK. Let 'em play in the dirt while I make the pancakes...
LOVE the pictures. Geez your kidlets are cute!
And I hope you get a boatload for your auction. I wish I could afford to give it the kind of bid it deserves.
first - you are so nice and so brave!
second - LOVe the apron!!
Aww what great cooks! Cute apron too.
I'm not opposed to letting my kids cook breakfast, as long as I don't have to eat it. My food has to look good (or at least edible). I'm funny that way. But you? You are truly the super cool mom giving them the experience.
Super cute! My kids love to cook too!
Fun to find another SpEd teacher (well, actually I'm an SLP but I work closely with the SpEd teachers...)
So cute! I love letting my son have fun cooking in the kitchen. He would cook with me at every meal if I let him.
I will check out your auction. I read the story about Nie Nie and Christian earlier this week. Very sad!
♥ You are supercool cause I don't think I would be doing that! :)
You are such a cool mom to let them cook their own breakfast...and pancakes to boot!
Your kids are adorable and that is a darling little apron too.
oh those babies are adorable!
i am looooving that pinafore! i wish i had the 'cheddar' to make a REAL bid...seriously i hope you get lots for it!
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