Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Slice of Dissection Anyone?
The masterpiece of a Graduation Cake I made for my Brother, the Junior High Science Teacher's party! Taaa Daaa! It was a hit and only 3 people were really grossed out. BTW, the entire thing is edible - except for the toothpicks! Watch out Duff.
(Sorry to my regulars - uneventful week.)
Join in the Fabulousness that is...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I'm an old-fashioned girl
![]() | 107 As a 1930s wife, I am |
This cute little blog test quizzes you on important things like: Do you dress for Dinner? Do you stay within your budget? Do you visit your Mother too frequently? Do you write to your husband's parents regularly? Do you smoke in bed? Belong to a women's group or club? Participate in child a child study group or parent organization? Fun stuff.
Apparently I live an unusually traditional life and have extremely old-fashioned values. The test reminded me of some things that I need to strive for. I never write to my husband's mother. I should be better about that. Since I left all correspondence and gift giving to him, the poor woman hasn't received one thing from us. Just a daily call from DH. Not the same. I'm feeling guilty now.
BTW, I think red nail polish is a no-no. Floosy!

Monday, July 14, 2008
CAUTION! Due to the Graphic Nature of This Cake...
My SIL is giving a surprise graduation party for my brother, Bruce tonight. He graduated with a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis on Science. He has always been a scientist so a dissection cake is perfect for him. Pretty appetizing, huh?
In my defense, it's a rich chocolate cake with a delicious chocolate chip sprinkled, cannoli cream filling between the layers and a light buttercream icing beneath the marshmallow fondant. The form of the frog was made from marshmallow krispy treats covered with fondant. The organs were made from Airheads, fruity Twizzlers, and gumdrop type fruit slices. (5 seconds in the microwave helped make the candy soft and perfect for modeling.) I also need to give credit to my Mom for her artistic help on the frog. I did the cake and molded the froggie's skeletal structure then Mom did the covering for him. (But we both had a good time molding the guts!) Thank goodness for her help or I doubt I'd have made it on time! Party tonight! Woohoo!

Friday, July 11, 2008
Photostory Friday - Baking Bread

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Photostory Friday - Flag Wavin'

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Two of my boys at a Scouting Event. It must have been about 10 years ago (judging by the approximate age of the boys and the size of that guy's cel phone). This is a yearly scout fundraiser. Each troop hosts a booth and sells tickets. At this booth, the boys were probably waiting in line to walk across a rope bridge or something equally exciting.

And in observance of Independence Day - a picture of little me (holding the flag) with my Grandma and my cousin Susan. It was 1970 and I was three years old. My sister and I had spent a week in Prescott, Arizona with my Grandma and Grandpa. Every summer they would go spend a week or two there so that Grandpa could race his horses and ride in the parade. On this morning, I was too afraid to ride in the Parade. My sister was riding with Grandpa, while I stayed on the sidewalk to wave my flag as they rode by. I remember the dress (my favorite), I remember the parade, and I remember getting a set of plastic teacups that I spent hours stacking - teacup, saucer, teacup, saucer.
1976 Olympic Joke: How do they fill the Olympic Pool? Mark Spitz (If you've never heard the name, you're too young. Don't worry about it.)