Saturday, October 17, 2009

Handcart Trek Pictures

Our son Calvin is on a pioneer handcart trek reenactment with our Stake. In order to go the youth had to be between 14 and 18 years old. Everyone had to wear period clothing and each person could only bring 15 lbs of personal property. They keep their clothing and personal items in 5 gallon buckets and have to pull them in their carts. They are hiking 25 miles over 3 days, camping out in tents, and cooking for themselves. The 200 youth are split up into families of 8-10 youth with each group supervised by a married couple (Ma and Pa).

One of the handcarts from above.

Calvin has been so excited. He got his clothes together and packed, and was even up before my alarm went off at 4 am, ready and waiting to head to the church at 4:30 am on Thursday.

Calvin is walking at the back, farthest right in black hat and suspenders.

DH and I got to go yesterday and help with some of the activities. I was there to teach the youth how to sew on buttons. DH helped them learn to use a cross-cut saw. Others were there to let them try things like milking a cow, making butter, washing clothes in wash tubs, throwing hatchets, shooting black powder guns, playing pioneer games, braiding rugs, splitting wood, etc.

Calvin is between the trees to the left.

Last night they made camp, fixed their dinner in dutch ovens, and then had a dance. They had all been taught to square dance in preparation for the trek.

Calvin farthest right, at back of group.

Today they're hoping to make it to "Salt Lake", and then they'll take apart their handcarts, and then they'll climb back into their vans and suburbans to come back to reality.

Calvin is far right of picture pulling at the front.

It was such a great opportunity for them to get a little taste of the 1,300 mile trek that our ancestors made about 150 years ago.

Calvin, bottom left.

All of these pictures were taken by an Arizona Republic Photographer and published online at


Rachel B said...

WOW! I was very sad the year that our stake did something like this because I ended up sick... Like super sick and wasn't able to attend :( I had my old time dress and everything and ended up wearing it for Halloween that year so I could at least wear the grubs. I hope Calvin had a great time *which I am sure he did* and was able to get something out of it!

Holly said...

What a great experience!! Hope all is well - seems like you have been BUSY!! :)

Are You Serious! said...

I'm so glad they started doing these they look awesome and I've never such great things from everyone who goes!!!

Jaina said...

What a neat thing to do! Thanks so much for sharing this with us, it sounds and looks really awesome!

Lol...the word verification is 'atablog'. Lol. Much amused.

KATE said...

How fun! i've heard some of the best stories from Trek! What a great experience...

Michelle said...

Our Stake is gearing up to do Trek next summer. My DH gets to be in charge of it all! Fun. He wants me to go too but logistically I don't think it's going to many things all going on at the same time.

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