BittE has decided that she wants to be a big girl. She wants to potty train. I am sooooooo not ready for that. She insists on going potty every time her diaper is slightly wet. We're wasting diapers left and right. I keep trying to talk her out of it. Picture me whining, "No potty, we just weeeeeeennnnnt." "You don't need to use the potty, you have a diaper." Then I drag my feet and let her lead me in there, grabbing a book on the way, so I can make sure that she doesn't fall through the padded Diego seat or waste half a roll of toilet paper while she waits to pee.
I finally tried putting some of Wolfman's old training pants on her. We've been through four pair in the past hour. I told her if she can wait 'til tomorrow, we'll go buy 47 pair of waffle weave padded panties and THEN she can be a big girl.
Oh I am so LOL .. I am sorry but I know two moms who would love their kids to be this anxious to perform well ...
Oh my goodness... My son has ABSOLUTELY NO desire to be a big boy. I bought him some undies with dino's on the butt and he cries if I try to put them on him. He cries if we try to go to the big boy pottie, though he wants his diaper changed every time he almosts pees. And now he is becoming addicted to baby powder. Every time we change him he asks for "baby powder momma".
Word Verification: sopas
Ugh. I am in potty-training hell right now. My almost FOUR year old will NOT poop in the potty. I need to buckle down and just get rid of the Pull-Ups and stick him in thick training pants. He knows he's not supposed to poop in the Pull-Ups so he poops a little tiny turd about fifty times a day. I actually yelled at him today, "IF YOU'RE GOING TO POOP IN THE PULL-UP, JUST POOP IT ALL OUT AND STOP WASTING SO MANY!!!"
And yesterday, I decided that I needed to buy him a new potty chair since I mistakenly chucked the last one when he was oh-so-close to be fully trained. (I was sick of it). Anyways, my hope was maybe he would poop in it since he won't use the toilet for pooping. Now Hammy (the two year old) wants to use the potty chair. And I'm really debating hard on whether I should discourage Hammy until after the twins are born-- or buckle down and train both Bun and Ham right now. That's probably the smarter option. I can only imagine my energy level dropping more after I have twins.
At least she's not fighting you about NOT wanting to? Just think...once she's potty trained you won't have to buy diapers ever again!
At least she's not fighting you about NOT wanting to? Just think...once she's potty trained you won't have to buy diapers ever again!
♥ I HATE POTTY TRAINING!!! I'm so so so so so so glad I'm done with all that!!! :)
It is a small blog world isn't it! Your little girl is so cute in this picture. I love all of your craft ideas! Hope you are doing well.
Oh fun for you!! Good luck with that! Don't ya wish they could just train themselves or come potty trained? ;)
This something I know I am not going to miss, potty training. I love have children. But potty training my last 2 has really been a pain (excuse me) in the Butt.
Wishing you the best of luck as you begin your journey, ready or not.
Oh I LOVE that you're the one dragging your feet! It makes me feel SO much better! I was FREAKKYYY with the bigger kids. Totally on top of it, and just feeling it coming close with Brookie gives me hives! Yuck I so do NOT want to do this again! :)
We're starting to go through the same thing. My "baby" has figured out how to take her diapers off. She does this all the time and begs to sit on the potty...but NEVER goes while she's on there.
Good luck!
And my word verification is "danked" and I just think that's funny...maybe it's because it's after midnight and I'm tired...lol!
I can understand holding on to the baby. With my last one, though, I refused to do it, when Dan had leave for a month I made him do it. I figured it was his turn. Of course, he did it much faster with Bug then I did with the other two.
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