I had a strange dream last night. Very strange.
First, I met The Skipper from Gilligan's Island. I was at a restaurant and asked him for his autograph. Then I turned around and there was Ginger... and MaryAnn... and Donny Osmond! I ran to find some scrap paper to get their autographs and all I could find was the back of some school fliers that had come home with the kids.
While I was getting their signatures, I had to tell them about when I was a child. My older sister used to make me be the lesser character from any sitcom we watched. She was always Marcia, while I had to be Jan. She was Ginger and made me be MaryAnn, and to top it off, she got to have a crush on Donny, and made me like Jimmy. They looked at me like I was any other nutty fan.
Soon our five kittens were swarming around their ankles and I was trying to convince them that they should all take home a kitten, but Donny had some kittens too. His were slightly cuter than mine, but almost looked like they could have come from the same blood lines. (Like every other cat in our neighborhood which have all come from the same house of idiots that keep every stray and breed tons of feral cats.) One of Donny's was a really cool cartoon cat, kind of like Garfield, only with a far out psychedelic coat. Another had gorgeous eyes that were graduated in color from green at the bottom to ultramarine at the top.
The Gilligan's Island people soon left and Donny and I were trying to sort out the kittens and figure out whose were whose. I have the impression that I was going rock climbing as the next part of my dream, but a small child came and woke me up with a pair of (clean) underwear in my face which he needed help putting on.
Analyze that.
Too beyond me to analyze! Maybe Cecily? :)
Too crazy to analyze! :)
I had a weird dream last night too. Must have been something in the sky? I dreamed I was on Cheerleader Idol (doesn't even exist). I was in serious competition mode. lol
Haha, I love those dreams that make absolutely no sense!! Yours sounds like a lot of fun!
♥ That's funny! If I knew how to analize dreams i totally would! :)
I love crazy dreams!
We had the flu over here last week too! NOT FUN!! I'm sorry! I'm super grateful that Alli never got it tho :) Good luck!
not sure where to start with a dream like that. Did you eat something before bed? If so what was it?
You were wishing you could run away from home. Then, Donny showed up and you realized you would be leaving something important behind. Then the kittens came, annoying but there--that's got to be the kids. How many kittens were there? How many kids do you have. I'd be counting, if I were you. And then maybe you'll be running to Gilligan's Island for real.
Although, kittens are cute aren't they? Almost irrestable. Humm. Any announcements?
Sorry sis! You can have Donny now, if you still want him. :)
Did you by chance fall asleep watching TV Land?
yeah thats all kinds of strange. beyond my scope of analysis.
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