My baby went to the nursery at church for the first time last Sunday. Strangely, I was not looking forward to this day. The others have all been running and wild for the last 6 months before they could attend the nursery. It was almost painful to try and keep those hoodlums under control for three hours. Chasing them in the halls and feeding them large quantities of Cheerios and mini-marshmallos was the best way to keep the peace. But this little angel is quiet, calm, and more than happy to exchange animal crackers with the other little girls in the "pre-nursery", in other words, an impromptu Sunday School which is essentially a room full of other desperate parents of tiny toddlers.
But I was sorry to let this one, my last, go. Her first step towards independence was hard on Mama. However, my technique is called Drop-and-Run, quick and painless removal (like a bandaid) in order to avoid tears and screaming. I clicked some pics and waved bye-bye. Then hung out in the hall, just in case I was needed. I wasn't needed. **Sniff** Sniff **
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I am a Nursery Assistant and we are grateful for the parents that do the drop and run! Glad that you survived this milestone :) that would be hard on any Mama. :)
It's rough, when you desperately want to be needed, but it turns out that you did such a good job with your child, that they are ready to make those next steps toward independence.
Incidentally, our issues was always trying to get the kids back out of nursery.
I couldn't agree more with what Chris said.
You did good and are now reaping the rewards. What a bittersweet milestone!
I am not sure which is harder- when they cry or when they don't. Good job, Mom!
Just how do you do the drop and run. I need tips. She's a doll.
Awe, poor mama! Good for you and your sweet little girl though! She did it! You did it!!! You should be proud!
I was a little sad when I sent my twins (my last kids) to nursery, too. I don't want to think about the basket case I'll be when they go to Kindergarten! I use the same technique! :)
You have a sweet little girl and I am sure that though she wasn't crying for you, she was eagerly awaiting your return.
I understand...I too drop and run and it was difficult the first time. I actually found a reason to leave the service partway thru to go check on him...he was fine. Mama was not.
Beautiful daughter!
I don't know how you found my blog but I'm glad you did!
I agree - bringing them to nursery IS a big deal for mommies...especially if they are the "last."
Great story!
awww i simply adore her!!
So cute-- and such a true sentiment as a mother--- waiting to be needed...
She's adorable!
I'm just like you!! What if they neeeed us!!! Love this! Great post!
Awwwww; it's so hard to do all the "firsts" with the last baby. I'm going through stuff like that with Bryce, too. Sniffle.
Ah, yes. This resonates with me. However, my youngest seems to need me more than my other two.
Lovely shots, SCHM!
She is a cutie :-)
It is rough "dropping" off the little girls... for now it gets me every day :-(
I love the Drop & Run method, it's my favorite! I'm sorry you were sad, it's not always fun to let them grow up!
Seriously???? She's in nursery already? How can that be?
♥ She's so cute sitting there coloring with the big kids! :)
My son barely hit the point when he doesn't freak out when we leave him in nursery. I think it's cause he and his cousin have been going in together. Any way, I think it would have been a blessing for him to not freak out clear until he was 2 and 1/2. It will be harder when my daughter gets to that point. Be strong!
Awwww. Poor mama. I cannot imagine dropping my last 2 off. When they are running around, clinging to our legs we pray for this day and then it comes and we cry. Go figure.
Awe, that first step (or in your case - bolt) is the hardest. she is so cute.
My experience with my only one has been similar to what Chris said. Dropping off at the church nursery was incredibly easy when he was small.
it gets easier! she's a cutie
Yeah tough steps! Looks like she's ready though. I never had sweet ones, So I was always ready for the drop and run..... I've had the I don't want to go without yous though, not fun.
Keep a stiff upper lip.
She's adorable!
It's so hard to see our children grow up, but exciting to be part of such an amazing journey.
I know how you feel. I agree with the bandaid method. I just can't get caught peeking through the window in the door. Livia is 3 so she yells Bye Mom as loud as she can when sacrament is over.
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