Sunday, March 21, 2010

A post, for the sake of a post

Nothing to share. Life is unbelievable. Angels turned pages for me yesterday, which was incredible. But still, sometimes when there's so much to say, there's just no way to say it.

"Verily I say unto you my friends, afear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give bthanks" D&C 98:1

My favorite quote lately:

Bad days come to an end, faith always triumphs, and heavenly promises are always kept. - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland


  1. I send you my love, Janie. You really can do anything! If there is any woman I know capable of all things, it is you. :) Keep on keepin' on. If you ever need another hand to help with the kids, I'll be there in a month and will have more time on my hands then I'll know what to do with. Stay strong and all will be well. I know it.

  2. Love the picture but love the quote even more. It's nice to have angels watching out for us.

  3. I've never heard that quote before, but I'm going to use it often now. It's something I really need to remember.

  4. I'll know what to do with. Stay strong and all will be well. I know it.
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