Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stretched to my limit.

Sometimes all I can do, is all I can do.


  1. lol. I've been thinking about you. Hope you're doing well.

  2. Some days I get overwhelmed with the mundane of it all. Then I go scrub a toilet and I feel much better.

  3. When I am overwhelmed by the everyday, I take time out to craft and create! That is the only thing that makes the toilet scrubbing worth it!

  4. I hear you! Though... I've just about reached my limit on the mind-numbingness I keep reminding myself that paying for daycare isn't worth the thrill of a fullfilling career and at least my house gets cleaned (the kitchen gets a once over 4 times a day, wohoo!) The grass is always greener, isn't it?!

  5. how many more days until summer?
    how many nights a week is your husband cooking? what are his chores? sometimes working full time means that ALL the fulltime working adults get to split ALL the household chores...i just hope you are sharing the load.

    i miss you

  6. Oy. I feel ya sista!

    Wish we lived closer...we BOTH need a good GNO. :)

  7. ::hugs:: I know you can do it!


Thanks for your comment! I'll try to comment back or visit you soon, but if I can't get back to you right away, please know that I still love you and appreciate your comments.