Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's a Big, Big World

So, yesterday Wolfman said to me, "Um, Mama, the time has come for me to be a big boy." Then he curled up next to me in "the nest" on the couch, wrapped in his blanket. Today, at church, he tried being a big boy. He told me he wanted to walk to the primary room from the chapel on his own. He left, full of bravado, got just past the chapel doors and then came running back, crying. He's not quite ready yet.

Bitty, however, is completely ready. She wants to do everything on her own. She likes to narrate her adventures, "I'm awake! You're awake! Need a drink. By myself. I got a drink. I drinked it. I did not spill." She's like listening to a Dick & Jane book. I was noticing, this evening, that everything is giant next to her. Our bed is chest high for her. She has to hike herself up onto it like she's climbing a wall. Then, when she wanted a drink, she had to slide down, because she is too tiny to reach across the chasm between the bed and the bedside table to get the cup of water sitting there a foot away. She took her drink and heaved herself all the way up onto the bed again. It's the same thing when she wants to climb up on the chest high toilet, or use the sink that is actually above her head. For the sink, she actually has to claw her way up and hang on her belly while she washes her hands or brushes her teeth. And the crazy thing is that she usually refuses help.


  1. She is a tough girl. Isn't it interesting how much each child is different, and has different needs, even though they have been raised in the same house.

  2. she is a doll! I love her obvious statements as well. They sometimes require a response in which I usually repeat her, heehee. She seems satisfied then :) This morning it was, "like my hair?" she had to say it twice before I acknowleged with, "it is sooo cute, did Sadie do it?" "No, Mommy." was her response, with her little sparkly eyes. She's also been singing some of her narrations and that is my favorite! "POOOooopy, Aunt-aria!" I chuckled and was glad she wants me to change her, unlike when she had that horrible rash. The song made diapering much more enjoyable.

  3. I love the way Bitty speaks here, too cute. Sounds like you've got a girl with a lot of determination there. And just hold onto that little guy as long as you can, he's absolutely precious!

  4. It's so funny how different each kid is!
    I love that she's so independent! Too cute!

  5. ♥ CUTE!!! They're both so cute! It's amazing how different kids can be! :)

  6. I love that she narrates. Evie does the same thing. Sometimes I think she just likes the sound of her voice. Which is good since (most of the time) I like it too.

    I'm always surprised at the difference in kids that are raised in the same house with the same parents and their same parenting. Surprised but glad at the same time. Life would be BORING otherwise!


  8. It's so funny how different each kid is!
    I love that she's so independent! Too cute!
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