Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to School Blues

Oh, I am not looking forward to going back to school after having two weeks off. Being at home has been so lovely. Cooking meals, cleaning, doing laundry, and feeling like I'm kind of keeping up with life has been delightful.


  1. I am sure it is hard to go back. Hang in there!

  2. I'm feeling the blues too...

  3. How funny. I randomly came across your blog, and my friend served in the Donetsk (or however you spell it!) Ukraine mission. And I went to Ukraine last year. Random!

  4. Getting up this morning almost flattened me. Actually GOING to school might have rolled me up. Here's hoping it was a GREAT day anyway!! :)

  5. I'm the reverse (sorry!) it was nice to get the kids out of the house so I could keep up with the house! However it was a little lonely!! Happy New Year!

  6. Hope you get back into the school routine soon enough. It's bad enough as a student so it's probably 10 times worse as a teacher, especially when you just want to be home with your little ones.

  7. I hope the retransition goes smoothly!
    Happy belated new year!

  8. hahaha! I totally thought you were being sarcastic. But then reading everyone else's comments, I'm wondering. hmm. Maybe I'm just too sarcastic.


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